Monday, November 3, 2008

Teen Pregnancy, Baby Borrowers, TV

Many shows on television, including Baby Borrowers, focus on teen pregnancy. When it comes to teens, there may be a fine line between discouraging teen pregnancy and encouraging teens to consider parenthood as something trendy or cool. Do you feel that television or movies encourage teen pregnancy? Post your thoughts by Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Some tv shows do and some don't. Some show that alot of teens have their own babies which may reflect on some viewers that if they were to have a baby at a young age it would be okay. Other shows show how it isn't. They show how much the teen struggles, how there usually isn't a father, how there all alone, and also they show how much stress is put on them.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that television or movies encourage teen pregnancy, but I do think that that make it seem ok. Some movie or telivision shows encourage teen sex, but pregnancy is another thing. For example the movie Juno is a great movie, hularious, and great acting but the movie encourages teen sex and makes it seem like pregnancy may not be ideal but an ok thing. Another example is the T.V. show Gossip Girl, this show most definetly encourages sex among teens, but again I don't think it encourages teens to be parents it just does the same as the others and accepts it.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that movies/tv do. Many give the impression that it is an okay thing to do and that it is cool, but I don't believe that the message of movies and tv is to go get pregnate. Maybe some teens misread the message, but I think that movies and/or TV just give the impression that parenthood at a young age is honorable or cool but it is neither and I think that teens need to realize that before they put themselves at a risk. It is very difficult to raise a child at such a young age. Maybe if more tv shows and movies portrayed that message,...

Sara D.

Anonymous said...

I think the television does and does not encourage teen pregnancy. Like on shows such as baby borrowers i dont think they encourage it because they are showing how hard it is to raise a baby and keep the relationship strong.

~Sammi Jo Rogy

Elizabeth said...

Sometime tv and movies encourage teen pregnancy such as Juno where the main character is pregnant and it seems like everything will work out right
Other shows dont encourage teen pregnancy because if someone is pregnant they end up being shunned or left out of the groups

Anonymous said...

Yes i think movies and t.v. shows promote sex and there are some that tell about the problems that teen parents go through

~ Lindsey~

Anonymous said...

I think that it depends on how the teen watching the show or movie views it. ~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

i dont think the movies make it look okay because there is a show called secret life of the american teenager and it shows all of the bad things that happen during teen pregnancy.

katie runkle

Sadie said...

In a way I do think some TV programs promote having fun and sex which can result in pregnancy. But there are other shows out there that discourage pre-marital sex. One such as Secret Life of the American Teenager and most of the shows on Lifetime.

Anonymous said...

I don't think TV encourages it, I think that it's just become so popular and "dramatic" on shows that all the writers of shows just want to keep using it, because it keeps viewers.

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that tv shows or movies promote being a teen parent, however alot do make it seem like it is acceptable and okay. Most shows or movies do show the struggles of being a teen mother and I think more should show that and promote the idea of waiting until marriage instead of having the characters having sex with everyone and making that seem like it is okay.

Anonymous said...

i dont think that tv shows and movies promote teen pregnancy but they dont show the bad sides to it. they show that it is alright for teens to have all the sex they want and they wont have to face the consequences. sometimes they even say that it will make your relationships better when you do have sex.

Anonymous said...

For most TV shows teen sex is okay but when someone becomes pregnant it isnt. They allow teens to have or talk about sex on TV but they dont talk about getting STDs or ruining a relationship because of it. I think its sad about how open TV and movies are about having sex especially with multiple partners. All it does is show young people that its okay. People on shows dont get and STD or become pregnant as much as in real life which sends the message it won't happen to me.

Anonymous said...

I think there are shows out there that show how having sex is ok and that everyone is doing it so you should too. There are shows and movies that show the conesquences of having sex like getting pregnant. I dont think they are sending the message that its ok to be a teen parent i think there just showing us that if you have sex this is what could happen and its showing us how to handle it and how hard it can be to be a teen parent.

Anonymous said...

I think some don't and some do. I think tv shows sometimes show that teen pregnancy is ok and that there are not alot of consequences that go along with that.

-Brittany A.

Anonymous said...

i dont think television encourages teen pregnancy. Some shows show teen girls get pregnant but some of them show how hard it is to have babies and make you not want to have them so i dont think it makes a different.

Anonymous said...

I think some TV shows portray teen parenthood as something cool and easy to do. They give the example that everything turns out ok, which can convince us that it is actually true. I also think that some tv shows are honest with how struggling and difficult teen parenthood actually is, which only confirms what most teens feel about teen pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of shows and/or movies that portray teen pregnancy as the "cool" thing. A lot of teens watch shows and movies & then imitate what the actresses/actors do. Unfortunately, telvision and movies send the wrong message to teenagers.
