Thursday, November 20, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - thanksgiving

We had a fantastic time today with the children. The kids enjoyed finding items in the room that matched the feather they had in their hand. The blog reporter today is Meghan P.


Anonymous said...

From what i saw today the kids liked the game. They enjoyed the freedom to wonder through the room.

Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

Today i noticed that Maya likes to follow her brother and sister where ever they go in the morning.

Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

I really liked the handprint turkeys. The game was also very creative too. I think the kids had a great time.


Anonymous said...

It seemed like the kids had alot of fun today. I had alot of fun watching them running around the room trying to find colors that matched their feathers. The art priject was alot of fun too, I did that one when UI was little and my Mom still has it somewhere.

For the second part of the assignment...A few things I have notciced about my Little Leperchan, Teddy is that he lines everything up. Whenever we play a game he has to put it all in a line before we start to play. After each game is over I he is very good about cleaning it up. Some ohter things I have noticed is that he doesn't want you to zip up his coat all the way, everytime I zip up his coat I have to tell him while I'm zipping that I won't sip it all the way up. He really likes puzzles and whenever we get him out of the car he almost always tells me something about his clothes, for example today he said "Mommy got me a new yellow shirt!" and he's said "See my black shoes?" He's very cute and I love spending time and getting to know him.

Anonymous said...

From what I could tell, the day went well. The kids seemed to enjoy all of the activities. My kid, Olivia, is really cute. She only comes on Thursdays so I don't see her that often. She is really quite and likes to observe rather that participate.

Sara D

Anonymous said...

Blog Report:
Today we learned about Thanksgiving. We talked about what they were thankful for like thier friends, family and thier toys. Sammi read My First Thanksgiving. The kids listen well for the most part two of the boys had trouble at first but they settled down and listen well. They made Turkey's with thier hands and they seemed to like that as well as getting a turkey stamped on thier hands. After the art project we had them pick a feather and then find someting in the room that was the same color as the feather. They loved doing that, they also enjoyed being able to take home two feathers.
One thing about my child:
I (and Lindsey too)have noticed that Maya likes to play with Caylee and Beau at the start of class. They have no problem seperating when we start the lesson. She is also very quiet when they are in an gropup and also when with us.
~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

I think today went pretty well over all. The kids seemed to really enjoy the game we played and the art projects turned out looking really cute!


Anonymous said...

I thought today went very well. All the children were soo excited to make a turkey out of their hands. From what I saw everyone had a great time matching colors with feathers. Great job group =)

Anonymous said...

It was a lot of fun today! i loved watching the kids with the feathers and them looking for the same color of the feather somewhere in the classroom.

Sammi Jo

Anonymous said...

I think all the children really enjoyed today's lesson. It was really funny to watch some of the children get their hands painted with paint. They thought it was the coolest thing and some even didn't want to wash it off! I think the day overall went extremely well.

One thing that I noticed about my Little Leprechaun, she is very quiet and often shy. She loves to follow her brother around whatever he is up too, even if it is getting into trouble! The two of them are very close from what I can tell. She enjoys talking to me and Katie but is often nervous about talking to other teachers some times. I think her favorite part of today was the hand painting art project. The first thing she said to me was, "Look Ellie I have a little turkey on my hand and it's for my mommy!"
All in all she has an awesome time at school and really enjoys the fun things she gets to do here!

- Ellie :)

Elizabeth said...

Overall, I thought the Thanksgiving lesson went really well! My favorite part was definatly the art project and i think everyone's turned out really well!
As the year goes on I think that Caylee likes leprechaun academy more everyday that she is there! Today she was ready to go and didnt have a problem with anything!
Jude isnt my kid but I definatly think today was the best day for him! He obviously loves turkey and black feathers!! he didnt want to stop the art project or give up his black feathers!
During the game, Teddy surprised me because he came up to me and was saying that he wanted to go home and i didnt think that was usual for Teddy because he always seems so happy!
I loved today and I love the kids more everytime they come!!

Anonymous said...

I think the group who went today did an excellent job with the kids. They all seemed to enjoy the lesson very much!

I noticed many things about Teddy today. He likes to line things up and put together puzzles. We have to show him where the puzzle pieces go sometimes, but he likes putting them together. Also, he makes a noise when he gets a piece together, or does something exciting. I can't explain the noise, but I call it his "little sound of triumph." He's so cute! Also, today when we were lining up for the song he said, "I want to stand by Louis." He likes to be around Louis and sometimes they can get a little noisy together.

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

i think the kids really enjoyed the game today! The handprint turkeys were adorable! My little leprechaun is very shy, she is coming out of her shell a little more each time. She doesnt talk very much. She does enjoy to bring in her stuffed animals to class, I will always ask her what their names are and she always shrugs her shoulders. She's a really sweet girl and I hope by the end of the year she'll talk more to everyone!

Anonymous said...

I thought this teaching group did a good job today. The kids seemed a little antsy during the story and song. They all seemed to have fun making the turkeys and playing with the feathers.


Anonymous said...

From what I could see, the children loved the art project and everything else with this theme. It went very well.

-Colleen K.

Sadie said...

Sorry this is late I still didn't understand this until I asked somebody. What I noticed most about the kids on Thursday is that they love to explore the classroom especially when it deals with finding a certain color.

Alissa .A

Anonymous said...

The Thanksgiving lesson was really fun! The kids had tons of fun while playing the game and the painted turkeys turned out so cute.

I wasn't around Caylee during the lesson too much but she was less shy than usual. She seems to be more outgoing but still plays near her brother and sister. She also was proud of her turkey stamp and showed her mom first thing!
