Monday, November 17, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - transportation

The blog reporter for transportation is Megan F. The class stands in line anticipating the start of the game. Katie is helping a student put together an ABC puzzle before class starts.


Anonymous said...

Today we learned about Transportation. We covered all of the different types of transportation, what the colors of a stoplight represent and how to safely cross a street. We began our group discussion about 6 forms of transportation: Airplane, Boats, Cars, Race Cars, School Buses, Trains. We learned that a red light means stop, a yellow light means slow down and that a green light means go. We later put our new knowledge about the traffic lights to a test when we played our game. We learned to stop, look both ways, listen then to look both ways again before crossing a street and to always hold on to your Mom or Dad's hand. Ashley then read "The Little Engine That Could." Thirdly Amy lead us in song to The Transportation Song, which was sung to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Then we decorated our own licence plates. The licence plated had each child’s name on it; they used foam stickers, markers and dotters. They all seemed to really enjoy using the dotters. We were cut short on time and ended up revising our planned game. We originally planned to play "Red Light, Green Light, Dynamite, BOOM!". Instead, we used the colors of a stoplight to signal when to stop and go, they were racing to see who could get to Sara first.

Anonymous said...

The kids had a lot of fun they all knew exactly witch picture was what vehicle.The kids liked acting out the movement of the vehicles during the song.


Anonymous said...

From what I saw today, it went very well. The teachers seemed to be very organized.

Anonymous said...

I thought today went really well for the most part. Everyone had a great time with the class discussion about trains busses and everyone knew the racecar lightning mcqueen. They had a little troble listening to Ashley while she read her story but after they calmed down they all listened very well. Everyone had a fun time with the song and making licence plates. Even though they really didnt understand the game they all tried their hardest and had fun =)

Anonymous said...

I thought today's lesson went very well. They were a little noisy during circle discussion but still answered all the questions. They played the game a little differently but it seemed like they still had fun!


Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to have a lot of fun today! I agree with Amy, they were noisy. But, I think today was the first day all the kids seemed into the lesson, so good job to the teaching group!

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

I thought today went pretty well. The game definately didn't go as planned, but thats ok. I think the kids still had fun.
Sara D.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that the Transportation day went well. I was a little upset that I got sick on that day out of all of the other days. I had spent some time working on our Transportation Poster! I'm really glad it got there on time and the rest of my teaching group still got to use it! I heard some the of the children were noisy during circle discussion, I was concerned when I glued the Lighting MacQueen picture on. I thought that maybe the boy's would notice him the most and talk about the movie "Cars". All in all I'm really glad that things turned out for the best! Thanks to all my other teachers who were willing to take over Circle Discussion for me!

Ellie :)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't here for this lesson but sounds like they had alot of fun. I think the licence plates sound like they were fun to make, and they turned out really cute! I wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

I think that the lesson plan for Transportation went well. The license plates were a very cute idea and I think the kids enjoyed them. I thought the circle discussion went very well too. Even though Ellie was originally supposed to do the discussion, Megan did a great job spontaneously using Ellie's poster.
