Thursday, November 13, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - Disney

Today's blog reporter is Kara. We had a great time playing the relay game today! Caylee worked hard dragging Mickey during the relay game. Janie runs fast from chair to chair with MIckey. Beau is working on his "Blustery Day" picture. Colleen shows Disney pictures at circle time to this kids. We all had fun today! Everyone in the child development class must post a comment about today's class before Friday morning.


Anonymous said...

I think that the Disney day went very well. The "Blustery Day" pictures turned out great. We didn't have any problems except for when Maya accidentally sucked up a little paint. The pictures that Courtney made were cool. I think that the kids had fun doing the "Mouse Race."

Katie Runkle

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun. I loved watching the Kids go grab Mickey or Minnie and run them to the other chair. Some of the kids didn't want to let go of Mickey and Minnie.

Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

I thought that today's class went well. During the song it looked like most of the kids did the motions more so then last time. Thier art porject looked really cool when they were all finished and i also think that they loved doing the relay game.
~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun. The children knew many characters from the Disney movies. Also, the game was very amusing. We all had a blast with this theme.

Anonymous said...

"Disney" Blog Report
We had a very fun day today learning about Disney. After a short playtime we sang our opening song. After the song, Colleen had discussion with the children by showing them pictures of differant Disney charecters and Disney movies. All the children participated but Mary seemed to know every one! Courtny made the flashcards and the children each got to take one home to remember their Disney day. After discussion Molly read the chilren a book about Mickey Mouse. When the book was over Katie lead everyone in the "Pooh Bear Stoutness" exercises. All of the children did all the motions, some of them were "reach up high touch the sky and bend down low, touch your toes." The children then took their seats for the "Pooh's Blustery Day" painting. Before painting we let the children each take a turn blowing a feather across the table so they would know to blow and not suck. Each child was given a dark blue sheet of paper and a few white blobs of paint were put on each paper. All the children really had fun blowing the paint all over the paper through their straws. When art was over we moved on to the game. "Mouse Races." After seeing an example by Kara and Sarah the kids took turns racing in pairs. The game consisted of two chairs next to each other and another two chairs facing opposite of those across the room. Each child would sit in a chair and after everyone said 1,2,3 GO! they would race across to the other chair, grab either a giant Mickey or Minnie Mouse go put the mouse in the other chair and race to go sit in the now empty chair. The kids loved this game and it was so much fun to watch them laughing and running. Each child took two turns. In one turn cousin Teddy and Louis raced and in another sisters Caylee and Maya raced. After the game we cang the closing song, put on our coats, were given a Disney flashcard, and went home. I was a really fun day!

Elizabeth said...

i thought today went great! i really enjoyed watching the kids because they looked like they really enjoyed the game!

Anonymous said...

The kids looked like they were having alot of fun! i thought the art project was very creative and they really enjoyed the was really fun to watch them!

Anonymous said...

I thought today was soo much fun :). Even though I wasn't with the group I could still see them all and could hear all the excitement. When I took Janie to her car I asked if she had fun and all she could say was "I won the race everytime =)." Great Job girls they loved it!

Anonymous said...

The Disney theme turned out great! The kids seemed like they had a fun time playing the game so I think that was a good choice. It was funny to watch them play!


Anonymous said...

I think today went really well. The kids loved the game and I thought it was really cute how Katherine didn't want to let go of Minnie Mouse. I also thought it was pretty interesting how the triplets all grabbed Minnie Mouse/Mickey Mouse by the nose or neck, but some of the other kids picked up the mouse and carried it very gently. It was pretty cute!!!! :)

Sara D.

Anonymous said...

I think that today went very well! Disney was a fun theme to teach because it is something that almost all of the kids know. It was fun to watch the kids run back and forth trying to carry Mickey and Minnie.

Anonymous said...

Of what I saw Disney went very well. But I had to leave during the class so I only saw the very end.

Anonymous said...

The Disney day was really fun. The game was fun to watch and the kids enjoyed the Blustery Day art project.

Sarah M