Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Childhood Memories

Research says that our early childhood experiences shape who we are today. What is your earliest "happy" childhood memory and your earliest "scary" childhood memory. Explain your answer. Posting due by Friday morning.


Anonymous said...

My earliest "happy" memory: On my Mom's side of the family there is "the older four." This consists of my two older cousins, Rob and Ryan, my older sister, Rachel, and I. We always did stuff together, even when the other kids started coming. I remember we used to go to Grandma's all the time and have sleepovers. During the summer we would all go "swimming" in those little plastic pools. My g-ma had 2 of them. Then we'd sit in chairs with out feet in the water and eat ice cream out of cones or bowls and say, "Look! Just like Grandma."

My earliest "scary" memory: My family was in Iowa visiting my Dad's side of the family. My Aunt Buffy took my siblings and I and a bunch of our older cousins to the pool. There was a small, curving water slide there and I wanted to go down. The lifegaurd at the top told me I had to sit with my feet forward so I sat down and pushed myself forward. Halfway down the slide I got scared and flipped foward onto my stomach. The water at the bottom that shot out into the pool was too strong and I went under. I don't remember being in the water, just the lifegaurd waking me up on the side of the pool. All my cousins were laughing because they thought I did it on purpose, but I started crying and ran to my Aunt Buffy and I wouldn't go back on the slide for a really long time.

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

My earliest "happy: memory: I use to go to the U of I games with my parents when I was like 7. My half sister went to school there so every weekend during football season we would get up really early and drive to pick her up. Then we would tailgate until the game. I had a U of I cheerleading unifrom that my grandma got for me and I use to wear it to every game.

My earliest "scary" memory: When I was in fourth grade my parents were going to one of their close friends, daughters, wedding. I remeber it was in Chicago. We were all in their bedroom, while they were packing I was watching tv. It was about 8 o'clock and we recieved a phone call from a doctor that my dad had visited earlier in the week. The doctor told my dad he was dignosed with Multiple Myeloma, which is a cancer that flows through my dad's bloodstream and still is uncurable. The doctor said he only had a short time to live so they had to work fast. The doctor also told him to get on the fone with his brothers and sisters and have them all check to see if any of their blood type matches up to his. Luckily his brother Bernie is a match. He had a transplant of blood a few months after. Now once a month he goes up to Chicago at Northwestern Hospital for a check up and hopefully he will be getting another transplant in the summer. He has lived 8 strong years since he has been dignosed and he is constantly in remission.


Anonymous said...

My earliest scary childhood memory is between three, I can't remember which one came first. One was on a
Sunday over the summer, my whole family(aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma, grandpa, brothers, sisters, and my mom and dad) went to a cook out at my granparents like we did every Sunday. My grandparents had an inground pool and the adults would always sit and talk while closley watch my thirtysome first cousins and I swim. This particular Sunday my cousin Aeshley who is the same age as me and was always my closest buddy haqd learned to swim, a skill I had yet to master. After a while I got tired of sitting on the side of the pool with my swimmies on watching my cousin swim all over, even to the bottom of the pool. I decided that I wanted to swim so when I thought the adults wern't looking I took off my swimmies, jumped in, and sank like a rock. I remember hitting the bottom and seeing the blurs that were the legs and feet of my cousin and being scared. About a second latera bunch of my family members were ready to save me, but my Daddy got to me first. I spent the rest of the cookout sitting on his lap scared and coughing cause I swallowed so much water.
Imagine thinking that you are being eaten by an escalator. This is one of my scary memories. At my cousins wedding when I was very young my younger cousins and I got bored at the reception so we decided to find a way to entertain ourselves. We came up with the brilliant idea of, escalator races. For a while all was well and we were having fun, that didn't last. When it was my turn to go I raced up no problem and down didn't seem to be a problem, until I got to the very bottom. The tights I was wearing got stuck in the escalator and because of that and how small I was I was pulled down and couldn't get out. I was convinced the escalator was eating me. Something I remember is screaming at my brother "ITS EATING ME!SAVE ME!" They all stared at me not a clue what to do. Luckily everyone at the reception heard me and my Aunt Erin was the first to get to me and pull me out of the "child eating" escalator.
The other scary memory was one when my Dad went away on trip to see an old friend. I remember thinking that my Daddy was never going to come home and I was terrafied. I remember watching him out the window crying my eyes out thinking I was never going to see him again.

My earliest happy memory that I can remember is when my little sister came home from the hospital. Marysue was born on Devember 22, 1994 and she came home on Christmas Eve, it was the best Christmas present ever. I can remember sitting on the couch with my older sister Amanda, older brother Tony, and younger brother douglas while my PaPa and MiMi watched us. The four of us couldn't contain out excitment, we literally couldnt sit still waiting for our new baby sister. Soon my Mom and Dad came home with Marysue wrapped in a thick pink blanket and the four of us took turns giving her "loves"(kisses). Soon my PaPa and Mimi left and it was our whole family together in our house for the first time. Soon we went to my grandparents house for Christmas Eve dinner and presents. Everyone was so excited to see the baby and we were so excited to show her off. We were also excited because, picture a room with the Christmas presents for thinrysome small children, it was like Santa's workshop, but Marysue was definetly the best gift that Christmas.

Anonymous said...

My earliest happy memory is playing weird games with my brother. We are very close in age and we did a lot of weird stuff. We liked stacking up all of our toys in the toybox,which was against the window, and we would stand on our toys and yell out the window at people and then duck so they wouldn't see us.

My earliest scary memory is when me and my brother were playing outside in my yard and my brother was hitting golf balls and I walked up behind him to pick up a ball and I told him to wait and he didn't hear me and swung and hit my in the nose.


Anonymous said...

My earliest "happy" memory: me and my brother when we were little use to take turns sleeping in each others room on holidays.

My Earliest "scary" memory: i was always scared when my older brother went in for surgery.

Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

My earliest scary memory was when I was 2 and we were at Notre Dame. My dad was talking to Mr. Heid and I wandered away without realizing it. I walked all the way over to the gym and was hanging over the railings and my mom and dad and Mr. Heid were all looking for me and caught me just in time.

My earliest happy memory was when my younger brother Bradley was born. I went to my grandma and grandpa's and we were just waiting for the call from my parents to say we could come down to the hospital. When the phone finally rang my grandparent's took me down to see my mom, dad, and new baby brother.

Anonymous said...

The last comment about getting lost in ND and her brother is from Katie Runkle.

Anonymous said...

Happy: When we adopted my little brother Matthew. It was the happiest day so far.

Scary: When I was at the circus with my aunt, a clown came up behind me and scared me. To this day I am still scared of clowns.

Anonymous said...

My earliest happy memory was when i was a little girl. I went to my mom's friends house during the summertime and she would watch me and my brothers during the day. I remember we use to do all kinds of things. We did arts and crafts we went swimming in her pool, we played on the playground and we even got to ride her horses all the time. She would also take us on "field trips" such as to the movies and to the zoo. It was so much fun!

My earliest scary memory was when i was a little girl and me and my mom had just gotten back from taking my babysitter home and there was a really big storm and the sirens started going off so we had to go to the basement. I was really scared because my dad and brothers werent home yet and me and my mom were down in the basement and it was getting really bad out. I remember when we were down there the back door flew open and i was yelling at my mom to not go up there because i was afraid she would get hurt. That day was probably one of the worst storms we have had that i remembered. Ever since that day i have been scared of storms because i saw how scared they made me and how bad they could really get.

Anonymous said...

My scariest memory that i remember is when i got in a really bad accident with my mom and brother.
The happiest memory that i remember is when we went to disney world and i went on a lot of rides with my brothers. haha and i have a picture of my brother taylor and i with mickey mouse!! :)

Anonymous said...

The earliest "happy" childhood memory that I can remember is when my neighbor would come over to my house and we would play with my easy-bake oven and bake things all afternoon.

My earlist "scary" memory is when my grandpa was in the hospital. I remember all of the nurses rushing in and my mom told my sister to take me out to the hall and I remember sitting out in the hall of the hospital hearing the nurses talking to my mom, dad, aunts and uncles, and I for some reason remember hearing his machines start to have that continuous beeping noise.

Anonymous said...

My earliest happy memory is probably going to my grandma's house on Thanksgiving and finding the M&Ms she hides in her turkey candy jar.

My earliest scary memory is when I was 3 and had to go to the hospital in Iowa City. I remember being in the hallway with doctors and doing a lot of different stuff. I had no clue what was going on!


Anonymous said...

My earlist happy memory was when my family members from Georgia came up for a visit and wee went over to my Grandma's house and then we went out to eat and Rachel the cousin closest to my age went acrosse the street and we chased lightening bugs! It was soooo much fun and I remmeber being so happy when they were here. Unfortuntly I haven't seen all of them again.

My earlist scariest memory was when I was at home and in the middle of the night I looked up on my cieling i saw something flying around. at first I thought it was my fan that i left on like normal but i remembered that i had turned it off right before i went to bed and then i realized it was a bird of some sort and when the animal went into the corner i ran into my parents room and yelled a bird is flying in my room. it turned out to be a bat!!! I have been terrified of birds/ bats ever since, They still visit us almost every memorial; day!
~Meghan P

Anonymous said...

My scariest memory happened when I was four, I was shopping with my mom and sisters who were 2 and just born. I was looking at the books and I must have gotten into one. My mom had started to continue browsing assuming I was following and ended up in the next isle. I looked up and realized that she was gone and completely freaked out. I began crying and running around looking for her. I found her two isles over.

My happiest memory that I can think of is the time my friends, my sister and I found money in my backyard. Jimmy, Jenna and I were playing in my backyard and began digging my sister just tagged along like usual. We ended up finding close to $10 in coins in a small spot in my backyard. We washed the coins off and my mom helped us split the money up. We then went to Greetings and Goodies, a candy store, and we bought as much as we could with our amount of money.

Anonymous said...

My earliest happy memory is when all my relatives came over to my house. My aunts and uncles came and my grandparents came. It is the first memory I have of them. My aunt gave my a stuffed bunny and the ears moved up and down It was my favorite toy ever!!!!
My earliest scary memory is when I was three, I could barely breathe and I remember running into my moms room and she rushed my to the hospital and on the was, my mom got pulled over because her taillight was out, but the policeman let her go to take me to the hospital. I had to get a shot and wear and oxygen mask and have a bunch of tests done. It was pretty scary. I had to stay overnight and every since, I get the same thing, but not as bad as then.

Sara D.

Anonymous said...

My earliest "happy" childhood memory was with my friend colin. He lived next door and we hung out everyday, he was my first friend. I remember going to his house and jumping on his bed. We were always together. I even remember having our own little language that only we could understand.

My earliest "scary" childhood memory would have to be when my friend Colin and I were playing in my backyard. We were back playing in the sandbox when we were only about five and a big dog came. I dont remember what kind of dog it was but I remember it was big. My mom and his mom had to come out and chase it away because me and him were both screaming for help.

Anonymous said...

My earliest childhood memory was my 4th birthday party where my mother had invited Barney to come. I was at PAL'S Preschool with all of my friends when all of the sudden, Barney came in and gave me a birthday crown. I got to take pictures with me and sing all of my favorite Barney songs.

My earliest scary memory was when my little brother had threw a wooden stool at my forehead. I was 5 years old and was more then likely teasing him. He got angry and threw my stool at my head and i had to go to the ER to get staples.
