Monday, October 20, 2008

NIck Cannon - Can I Live?

Watch the video and post your comment by Wednesday morning.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Krone I just watched the clip Can I live with the song can I live by Nick Cannon playing I don't exactly know what you want us to comment about but I guess the most inspirational part of the clip was that at 21 months the babby could grab the doctors hand!!
- Gillian

Sadie said...

This video made me sad to see the unborn babies and think of them being aborted. They look so alive I dont know how people can say there not alive. I wish the babies had a voice so they could tell people they want to live.

Alissa A.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the facts at the beginning were shocking. SOme of the baby pics were cute, but some were a little gross. Its really sad how far along the babies are when mothers have an abortion. I think the whole thing has a good message. Sara D

Anonymous said...

This is a very influential video that send out a great message to all young women. This video is very informative because it shows the steps of development that a baby in the womb goes through. Always remember that adoption is always an option.


Anonymous said...

we saw this video in 8th grade.
i loved it and i think that it makes people really think. since it is coming from a "teen idol" people might actually listen.

katie runkle

Anonymous said...

The movie was very educational and sad. It is a good approach to educate the younger generation about the importance of life, from the day of conception. I think not many people know how developed fetus are when they are in the womb, and by seeing those pictures it can help you realize that it is a human being inside.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this video before and I love it! It is very powerful! It shows that these babies are real humans even as little as 2 months..they deserve a chance to live and be great people!


Anonymous said...

this video was informing i learned things i didn't know before watching this video
~Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

I liked the video. I tink that it was informative and the pictures of the babies were cute. ~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Nick Cannon write that song because his mom almost aborted him? She got as far as the table I think and then ran out. Its a great video very sad, definetly leaves a heartprint, full of really shocking information about unborn babies. Everyone needs to watch videos like this, its just further proof your taking away your child's life by having an abortion.

Amanda said...

I've seen this video before and it's so cute and i think it's very inspirational and it shows abortion from like a secular rap artist's view and even though he isn't like religious or anything he's still promoting pro life.

-amanda :)

Ms. P. said...

Krone...I like the reality of most of these finger nails...tiny hairs...wrinkled cute! I showed this video to a friend of mine who is 6 months pregnant, and she was in tears by the end. She and her husband are waiting to find out the sex of Baby G(as they are calling him/her). Her shower is this Saturday...gender-neutral is difficult to buy for. So we are getting her something every baby needs...hand-made shoulder bibs!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

This video is shocking, but very true. I feel so bad for the little babies who don't get a chance at life. Hopefully this video will help some mothers make the right choice to keep their babies. The facts and pictures made a huge impact during the song.


Elizabeth said...

I think we watched this movie when one of the speakers came last year. This movie teaches everyone alot about abortion and how it is soo wrong. It is very informative and it presented in a really good way through this video. I found out some facts from this movie that i didnt know before.

Anonymous said...

This video was sad yet its informative. I think it would make people especially young women think twice before making the decision to get an abortion because they would realize they would be ending a life.


Anonymous said...

i really liked the video!
some of the facts are amazing...
like the fully grown fingernails thats so cool.
I also really enjoyed the song as well i think it goes to show that you will never know who your baby will grow up to be. A movie star? the next president it proves that every human baby life is important


Anonymous said...

This is a great video and it's sad, but it sends a good message. I think since it's Nick Cannon, I think that it will attract teens and they will listen because he's someone that they look up to.

Sarah M

Anonymous said...

i watched this video a really long time ago and it made me sad. i think it very sad what happens to unborn babies and i like how nick cannon made a song about it so maybe people will listen a little more.

Anonymous said...

i saw this video in 8th grade! i love the song and i think the video really makes you think twice about abortion and what your really doing to your baby! it is also very informative by tell about all the different stages of the pregnancy and all of the pictures it showed. I did not know that a baby could wrap its finger around your finger at 21 weeks til now! thats so cool!

Sammi Jo