Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - Halloween Party

Vote for your favorite costume.


Anonymous said...

I thought today was alot of fun, though some of the kids seemed to be a little shy when trick-or-treating. We took our first class picture, which is exciting!

Anonymous said...

The Halloween party was alot of fun! All of the kids looked so cute in their costumes! My favorite was Beau's garbage man costume!

Anonymous said...

i had so much fun watching the kids trick or treating and seeing them all in their costumes! i think they all looked really cute! my favorite was either the garbage man or the elephant.

Anonymous said...

On Thursday I think most of the kids had a great time. Everyone loved the art project and they all turned out great, all the kids were really excited to see that they got there own spider to add on there webs. Trick-or-treating was alot of fun even though they were a little shy they still had a great time. Our first group photo went really well!!!

Anonymous said...

All the costumes were so cute and I thought the kids did a good job going around to all the classrooms. That was a really fun lesson to do!


Anonymous said...

Can you please email me the picture of Lindsey, Maya and Me?-Meghan P. My email is Thanks

Anonymous said...

i loved seeing all the costumes. they were al soooo cute. My favorite costume was the elephant or the garbage man! :]