Monday, October 27, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - Apples

Sarah M. - Blog Reporter


Anonymous said...


Today, the children wore either yellow, green, or red (the color of apples)! There was not much of a problem today with the kids leaving their mothers. After singing our beginning song, Courtney read The Apple Tree and the children listened very well. The story was about a boy and a tree who are very good friends. Once the story was over, Katie discussed apples with the kids. She talked about how apples grow on trees, they are green, yellow, or red, and the different foods and drinks made from apples. After the dicussion, Kara introduced the Apple song, which is sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. Colleen and Alissa showed everyone how to do the art project, which was apple printing. The kid's projects will be hung for all to see. We had our first attempt at a line when it was time to wash the kid's hands after art and it was a success! The apple lesson came to an end when the kids were sent out in the classroom to search for their color of apple for a game, which was led by Molly. After singing our closing song, the kids were sent home with their apple and a sucker, which was a birthday treat from Teddy. Happy Birthday Teddy!

Sarah M.

Mrs. Krone said...

Sarah did an excellent job of reporting on the day's events. This is exactly what I wanted. The parents will be able to get a "peek" inside the classroom. Mrs.Krone

Anonymous said...

I thought it was the cutest thing when Aidan said pie apple when Katie asked them what foods are made out of apples. Teddy raising his apple in the air every time Mrs Krone said a color was also very cute he was so excited about getting to hold it up in the air. Jude wanted to eat an apple the whole time, during the art project he asked me if he could eat the apple and then as soon as he found his apple in the scavanger hunt he was chowing down! I thought the whole lesson went really well.