Thursday, March 5, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - trains

Amanda is the blog reporter today.


Anonymous said...

Today was definitly a fun day! The art and game were both very simple and the kids really seemed to enjoy them! Beau was very excited for this lesson and he knew a lot about trains. He had me laughing very hard during the game and he talked about trains then whole way out to see his mom!

Anonymous said...

today was a lot of fun the kids really enjoyed riding on the train.

Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

Today went very well! The art projects turned out to be really cute and all the kids really enjoyed going on the train rides.

Anonymous said...

I thought trains was fun today. I could hear all the fun from all the way across the room, while the kids were on the train making train noises. I loved the art project also even though it was simple at least its something they will always remember.

Anonymous said...

I think that the kids really had fun today. It was interesting to see what kids knew the others name. I think that enjoyed the art project and the game too.

~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Today was a lot of fun! The children had a blast with the game. Mary had fun, but unfortunately she got pushed off of her chair because she was in Katherine's spot. Other than that, she had a lot of fun. The art project was really cute.


Anonymous said...

I think today went really well!!!! The kids seemed to have alot of fun. The art project was nice and simple, but the kids still enjoyed themselves. The pics look great on the window.

Anonymous said...

I thought that todays lesson went well, although I noticed at the end 2 of the girls started getting a little "tense" with each other. I wasn't a teacher so wasn't over there but you could definately tell that the 2 little girls were probably having a rough day. But i also saw that the kids loved the train and they each wanted a turn to be the conducter and say where everyone was gonna go!

Anonymous said...

My friend was very excited about the lesson today. He was also very helpful picking up toys and crayons. The kids had fun playing the game and Elizabeth did a great job!


Anonymous said...

The train game was so simple and so cute!! It was definately a good way for the children to use their imaginations. They seemed to really like it!

Anonymous said...

The train lesson seemed really fun! The art project was really cute. Elizabeth especially did a great job today leading the kids in the train ride! Caylee enjoyed riding the train.


Anonymous said...

Today went well. The kids seemed to like being the head of the train. The only thing that happend was the three girls fighting on who was going to sit next to who on the train. Besides that the day went well.

Anonymous said...

Today was a very fun day! I could tell the kids that like trains and others that dont really care for them. It looks like everyone had a fun time color the trains though.

Sammi Jo R

Elizabeth said...

Well the train was interesting but I'm glad the kids enjoyed it! I was so surprised at how much Beau knew about trains. Caylee seemed to have a lot of fun just coloring and riding the train!

Anonymous said...

Today went very well. The kids couldnt wait to listen to the story. I liked what you did with their pictures and asked them who was who. that was a great idea!

Sammi Jo