Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - flowers

Sara will report on our lesson plan today. Students remember to bring your music, camera and flash drive tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I thought the flower lesson plan went well today! The kids knew a lot about the parts of a flower when Megan questioned them during circle discussion. Caylee grew into a flower during the game!


Anonymous said...

Today went really well. The kids seemed to play close attention during the circle disscussion. And also like getting thier hands painted
~Meghan P.

Sadie said...

Todays theme was flowers! The kids seemed to enjoy the art project the most. I think they really just like anything they can do that involves getting their hands dirty. I also noticed today that Br has started to sing the opening and closing song.

Alissa .A

Anonymous said...

Todays lesson went well. We started out with Megan talking about flowers. She did an awesome job. The kids learned alot, from seeds to leaves to petals. Then Lindsey read the story to the kids. After the story, we "sang" our song. Amy did a great job with that and some of the kids had fun with it. Then we took pictures. A few didn't seem very interested, but it didn't take up too much time. Then Ashley directed the art project. She did a very good job. There were pieces of paper with "stems" on them and the teachers went around and painted the kids hands and they made their own flowers. They turned out very cute!!! Then we played our game, which turned out to be pretty fun. There was a farmer, a sun and seeds. Most of the kids caught on very quickly. I think today went very well!!!

Sara D.

Courtney said...

Today was a fun day! The kids seemed to get a little bored during the story but they enjoyed the song and the art project was really cute. The game was also fun because it allowed them to use their imaginations! Good job group c!

Elizabeth said...

Everyone really enjoyed the Flower lesson plan today. I loved how the art projects turned out.

Jessica said...

The kids seemed to have alot of fun today! The art projects turned out really cute! good job group C :-)

Anonymous said...

Today was such a fun day! This group always does a great job. The game was so cute! Mary really enjoyed it. I think that the art project was an awesome idea. Great job! It seemd like all of the children had a fun time today.

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun and the kids really seemed to enjoy it, especially the game! Teddy really loved doing the art project and he loved using hte color orange!

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

I thought the children had fun with this lesson plan. They were really into the circle discussion. They always seem to love it when we paint. And most of them enjoyed the game whether they were the farmer, sun, or a growing seed.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the kids loved getting to take home seeds. Great idea! The game was very cute and creative.


Anonymous said...

I think today went well. love that picture of Elle and the one of the class! Teddy did really well today he let Sarah and I take lots of pictures of him which s eomthing we usually struggle with.

Anonymous said...

The picture of Elle is priceless. Today was so much fun! Everyone really got involved with the game even though we had some trouble we still straightened it out so everyone left happy. I wish the kids could come more often but we will miss them all very much!

Anonymous said...

Well, that picture of my on the blog is so great.
I thought todays lesson plan went well! The circle discussion was the best part of it I think! Me and my friend had fun talking about how she was going to take care of her seeds when she got home!!

- ellie

Anonymous said...

I thought today was a lot of fun. All the kids enjoyed being Flowers. I think that they were all excited to take home seeds so they could plant them and grow there own flowers.


Amanda said...

Yesterday was a really fun day! I think the kids really enjoyed growing into flowers. I noticed that Louis didn't really want to participate much but he might have just been having a hard day.. I also thought that the art project was really fun and the kids who wanted to use both hands were really getting into it :)

-Amanda T

Megan F said...

I think the flower lesson plan went very well. The kids were very enthuaistic when I was talking to them about the parts of a flower. They seemed to really get into the game once they understod what was going on.