Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - fire safety

Allissa will be the blog reporter today.


Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun! The kids enjoyed playing with the shaving cream. They also loved the game. Sarah did a great job with the circle discussion. My child was very well behaved today.


Anonymous said...

I think that today went really well all of the kids loved the art project and they listened really well to the circle dicussion.
~Meghan P.

Sadie said...

Today we talked to the kids about fire safety. Sarah, who led our circle discussion, discussed with our children how to stop, drop and roll. All of the children really seemed to enjoy this, especially B. Katie read the book "A Brave Little Spot", which was about a fire dog. The kids really seemed to enjoy this story. The kids eyes seemed to come alive when they found that Spot the puppy made it out of the fire okay. The song we did today was called "I'm a Little Firefighter". Some of the kids were able to pick it up, but a lot of the shy children did not sing along. For our art project we did the shaving cream fire extinguisher. All of the children seemed to enjoy rubbing their hands in the shaving cream. The whole art project was messy but the kids loved it. The game we played was fire safety obstacle course. The children crawled under a blanket that signified smoke. Then the teachers put an orange flame on their back and the kids had to stop, drop, and roll to get the flame off. The kids had lots of fun rolling around on the ground. The only thing that I think should have been different about this game was to have the children spread out more when they did the stop, drop, and roll.

-Alissa A.

Anonymous said...

I think today was an important lesson and the kids seemed to learn a lot about fire saftey and what to do if you're ever in a similar situation. I think they had alot of fun with the shaving cream to!

Anonymous said...

I missed today and i was really upset! I was excited about this lesson but i hope it all went well and I am sure my group did a good job!


Anonymous said...

I think today went really well!!!! The kids seemed to enjoy everything they did. My kid didn't seem very enthusiastic about the art project. I don't think he wanted to get his hands messy.
Sara D.

Anonymous said...

Today was so much fun! The children LOVED the art project. Maya and Caylee got the shaving creme EVERYWHERE! The whole day went very well. Mary loved the art project and even managed to get the shaving creme all over her clothes and me. But, today was fun!
