Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - bugs

I am sorry that it took so long to get this post on the blog. I had trouble with the sign-in and had to reset my password. You will have until Friday morning to post on today's and tormorrow's blogs. I enjoyed watching today's teachers interact with the children.


Elizabeth said...

Today looked like alot of fun! Im sad that I missed it =[

Anonymous said...

I thought bugs were so much fun today! We all knew the song for once. I thought the caterpillars were a lot of fun the kids had the best time crumpling up tissue paper for its body. The worm hunt was so much fun also their were some many and every single one was found.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't in the room much during yesterday's teaching, but it looked like everything went well. The art project was really cute and Beau really liked taking the "worms" home; he kept saying it was eating him. Good Job Group C!

Anonymous said...

Today went really well. Sara talked to the kids about all different types of bugs in the circle discussion. Gillian read bugs, bugs, bugs. Megan sung fluter fluter butterfly. Amy and Elli made colorful caterpillars. Ashley took them on a worm hunt which was a lot of fun.

Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

Today seemed really fun!
The kids loved learning about bugs.

Anonymous said...

I was sick but it seemed like the kids had alot of fun.


Anonymous said...

I think that yesterday went well. The kids seemed to really like the art project and then game.
~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to have really fun in class today. I thought the art projects were really cute.This group was really organized and did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun! It seemed like all of the children had a blast. I thought that the art project was really cute and creative. This group did a great job! It seemed like Mary knew all of the words to the song and she even sang along.


Anonymous said...

I think the day went well. the caterpillars turned out to be very cute!!!!! The kids had fun. My kids had alot of fun using the glue. That is all he wanted to do.


Anonymous said...

I thought that this lesson went very good. The kids all seemed to enjoy the worm hunt and i noticed that they all liked having the different colors to put on their caterpillars!

Anonymous said...

I really like the caterpillar art project! it was so cute. i thought the kids looked like they were having alot of fun.


Anonymous said...

I really liked the art project! I was plesantly surprised when the children had caught on to making the catapillars so quickly. The game was very fun too!

Anonymous said...

Bugs was a fun lesson to teach. The art project was a challenge, but when the kids took them home today they had turned out really cute! I think they enjoyed talking about the different kinds of bugs and also had fun on the worm hunt. Caylee really liked her two worms she took home!


Anonymous said...

Wednesday was very fun the kids loved making the caterpillars. They had a bast.

Sammi Jo