Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - bubbles

Amanda is the blog reporter today.


Anonymous said...

The bubbles were so fun. My friend loved playing outside and popping the bubbles. I really liked the art project too. It was very creative.


Sadie said...

Today the kids learned about bubbles. They all really seemed to enjoy when we went outside and blew bubbles. L especially enjoyed popping them.

Alissa A.

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun. I think all the kids had fun going outside and blowing bubbles.
~ Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

Today was a very cute lesson plan! The kids seemed to mostly enjoy the game. It was cute to see all the different expressions when the children had seen their bubbles that they had blown.

Anonymous said...

Today was so much fun! I had a lot of fun blowing bubbles with Beau and he was so cute today! He kept blowing them and saying they were going to God! The art was really cute too. This group did a really good job!

Elizabeth said...

ahh I love bubbles! I thought everyone had a great time today. Caylee wasnt really a fan of blowing the bubbles but she liked popping them. Also I have never heard Sarah talk so much this entire year.

Anonymous said...

Bubbles were so much fun today. I loved the art project and the kids really seemed to love it as well. It was so much fun to see all the kids blow their very own bubbles and then go and pop them. They LOVED the bubbles in a bottle that was a great idea! Great job you guys.

Anonymous said...

Today sounded like it went really well and the art projects looked like they turned out really cute! I was sad i had to miss this lesson because i heard it was really fun!

Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to really like the bubbles and getting to play with them. They also seemed to like the song and art project too!

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun! The art project turned out really well and the kids really liked getting to blow bubbles. ~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

Today went great!!!!! My kid really liked playing with the bubbles. He liked to chase them around and try to pop them.
Sara D.

Amanda said...

Today I was the blog reporter. I filled in for Jessica. I thought that today was really fun! The kids really enjoyed going outside and blowing the bubbles. Some kids were amused by it for the entire time and some got tired of it after awhile. They all had different facial expressions and it was cute to watch them chase the bubbles. Also the art project was really fun. I think the kids had alot of fun making bubble prints and it wasn't a difficult project. Finally, the "bubble makers" were really a good idea. The kids enjoyed making their own colorful bubbles and shaking them up.

-Amanda T

Anonymous said...

The bubbles lesson plan was a lot of fun! Teddy really enjoyed blowing the bubbles and he was really attached to Louis today!

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

The bubbles lesson plan was really fun! My little friend in the morning had a rough time, but when art project time came around she was all ready to go! we blew bubbles and our bubbles even smelled great!

- Ellie

Anonymous said...

I thought this was really fun and the kids really seemed to love blowing bubbles, it's differant from what we usually do. i love that picture of Courtney and Sara!

Anonymous said...

Today was great! the kids loved going outside and playing with the bubbles. Maty had a blast outside and making the bubble project that was such a good idea.

Sammi Jo

Anonymous said...

Today's lesson plan was so much fun. Mary had a blast playing with Jude and the bubbles while we were outside. This teaching group did a great job and the lesson plan was very creative!
