Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful time on Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

I loved Valentines Day! It was so much fun me and my Valentine had so much fun putting all of our Valentines into our friend's mailboxes! My little Valentine was nervous at first but warmed up to the idea in no time. We loved painting our hands today for mommy and daddy! It was so cool to see all of our different friends mailboxes, they were all so special.
Thanks to everyone who made Valentines Day so much fun!

- Ellie

Anonymous said...

I think today went great!!! The kids seemed to have a great time!!! My kid seemed to have some trouble grasping the idea of only putting one Valentine in each box, so some kids might have two!!! :)

Sara D.

Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to really enjoy today! It was neat to see how excited they all were to pass out their valentines. I esspecially loved Jude's valentines! They even appeared to be homemade! It was also cool to see the children's expressions when opening up their recieved valentines!

Anonymous said...

Today went PERFECTLY! I think the children really enjoyed everything. Mary was so excited to eat all of her candy! All of the children had a blast when they were getting their hands painted. Every child got a valentine from someone, even some of them put more than one in each box; but that is what made it so much fun.


Anonymous said...

Valentines Day was soo much fun today. Everyone was so excited to get their hand painted again. They were also very excited to act just like mail men or mail ladies and going around passing out their very own valentines. Once they were done passing them out they could not wait to see what they got and every single child had a huge smile on their faces cause they were so excited. Once it was time to go they got to take their hand prints home with them and they got the biggest valentine from Mrs.Krone and could not wait to get home to open them:). Today was by far my favorite teaching day this year!

Elizabeth said...

I loved today!! I think the handprints turned out wonderful and I think the parents will really enjoy them. Teaching the kids to put the valentines in the boxe was fun too. Caylee wanted to put more than one valentine in all the boxes but i think she caught on by the end. I think everyone enjoyed the stickers too! The kids had a great first school tye valentines =]

Anonymous said...

I Loved Valentines Day!!!! Maya had a lot of fun handing out her valentines we had to make sure that she only put one valentine in each box. She wanted to look at all of her valentines. She didn't want to read them she just wanted to open all of them. She loved to the fact that we got to paint her hand for her parents.

~ Lindsey ~

Anonymous said...

It was really neat to see the kids experience something new and learn about Valentines Day! We had a lot of fun passing out cards and going through and reading them. I also think the children enjoyed their decorated boxes. It was a really fun lesson!


Anonymous said...

This lesson was so much fun. They were all so excited about getting their boxes and then passing out their Valentines. Teddy loved them he kept saying "look at all the cards from all my friends!" and he insisted on opening all of them himself and having them read to him. I loved Jude's valentines they were so cute! I think the whole thing made them all feel really special.

Anonymous said...

Valentines day was great! i think they had a blast giving out there valentines and then opening them. some kids didn't want to open them until they got home and others just wanted to eat their candy! i think they really had a great time.

~Sammi Jo~