Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - zoo

Elizabeth is our blog reporter today.


Anonymous said...

I think that my "friend" did very well today during Leprechaun Academy. He was well behaved and didn't run out of the classroom. He enjoyed the game and the art project. I think it was a very creative game and all of the kids seemed to really enjoy it. This group did a great job!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think B had fun today!!! He didn't seem to understand the game, but oh well. The teachers today did a great job!!!!
Sara D.

Anonymous said...

Today seemed like alot of fun! The art project looked very cute. Looking through the pictures, Isaw the one of the 3 girls hugging, which is very funny and cute! I am sad that I missed today.

Anonymous said...

I think the kids had alot of fun. My kid was excited to learn about the zoo. It seemed like they had alot of fun with the game and the art project. Today went very well!

Elizabeth said...

Today we learned about the zoo! Everyone seemed to have a good time. We learned about the different animals that are in the Zoo and We read a story about an animal with spots! I think this might have been the first song that our group actually did right.. haha! we sang take me out to the zoo! For the art project we made zebras and the kids had fun rolling the marbles around to make stripes. The game turned out really well and Maureen did a great job on the elephants. I think the kids had a wonderful time throwing the peanuts to feed the elephants.

I really think Caylee enjoyed the game. She kept putting the peanuts on the nose

Anonymous said...

I think that today went very well. I was not a teacher but from what i saw the group looked like they were doing a good job! The kids all seemed to have fun and the art project turned out cute!

Anonymous said...

I think that today went well, they lesson to the story and participated in the cirle disscusion, they all seemed to like the art project alot, and the game! Maya at first didn't want to play the game but then she didn;t want to stop playing the game.

~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

I think Teddy had a lot of fun today! All the kids seemed to have a lot of fun with the game. I kept looking over while wokring and they all were laughing and having a great time! Good job group!

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

Today's lesson was cute! The teachers seemed very organized with their zoo activities. I especially liked how cute the zebra art project turned out! Caylee seemed to have fun playing the peanut toss with the elephants.


Anonymous said...

I thought the zoo was so much fun! The art project was a wonderful idea just watching the kids move the boxes with the marbles was fun. The game was great also a lot of the kids have a great arm and I don't think they knew it.

Anonymous said...

From what I saw today, the day went very well. The game was a big hit! Mary had a hard time when it was time for her to go home. But, this group did a great job and it seemed like all of the children had a great time.


Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to really enjoy the lesson today! the art projects turned out really cute and they all seemed to really enjoy the game!

Anonymous said...

I think today went really good! The kids really seemed to enjoy the game and I thought the art project was cool! Beau was very good today and after class he asked me a lot of questions about animals and was telling me everything that he learned.


Anonymous said...

My little friend had a rough day today. She wouldnt let me leave and go in my teaching group she wanted to be around me at all times. We still had a fun day learning about the zoo! I think that she really enjoyed the marble painting!
- Ellie

Anonymous said...

I think this lesson was fun for the kids. Maya didn't want to play the game at first but then she didn't want to be the only one not playing the game. She had a hard time staying with Meghan because she wanted to be with me. she asked about me a lot. But over all i think that they all had fun today.
~ Lindsey

Anonymous said...

This day was a lot of fun. I noticed that some kids had trouble with the marbles and the paint but they kept trying.

Sammi Jo