Thursday, February 26, 2009

Leprechaun Academy - jungle

Our blog reporter is Katie.


Elizabeth said...

Today was so fun! Everyone loved the jungle! Caylee really liked the binoculars

Anonymous said...

This was a cute lesson, kind of hard but we still had fun. I think all the kids really liked their binoclars. We wanted it to be a quick and easy art project so we would have time for the game and I think that worked out well. Teddy wasn't really into the game at first but I think he enjoyed it more when he figured out that everryone was just going off with their teachers. Overall I think they all had a lot of fun and were really excited about getting to take the binocluars home.

Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun! We started off the morning with Molly talking about the different jungle animals. Cara read a book about many different jungle animals that had very interesting facts. The kids loved looking at the pictures and were practically sitting on her lap. We sang a song called "The Animals in the Jungle" that was sung like the wheels on the bus, and it had fun animal sounds. For the art project we made binoculars and the kids put stickers on them. Then they took their binoculars and we went on a "safari." The kids looked around the commons and in the hallways for all kinds of jungle animals, such as, monkeys, elephants, lions, frogs, snakes, etc. They really seemed to enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun. Maya had fun going on the safari today. By the end of the safari she had a green nose and hands.Maya didn't want to go home she wanted to stay with me instead.
~ Lindsey

Anonymous said...

The jungle was so much fun today! All the students understood the animal hunt and love looking out of their toilet paper binoculars. Great job group i know the kids loved it!

Anonymous said...

Today went really well i think! the kids seemed to really enjoy it especially the game they had so much fun! i think this group did a really good job and were very organized.

Anonymous said...

All of the kids really had fun today. They had a really fun time on the safari.

~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

I think the kids had fun today. They all really seemed to enjoy looking through their binoculars to find the different animals

Anonymous said...

I thought today went really well! Our art project was really simple and not that creative and I was kind of worried about it, but it ended up being a lot of fun. Beau was very excited about looking for animals and used his binoculars the whole time and really acted like he was on a search for animals.

Anonymous said...

THe jungle lesson was so cute! All the kids loved the binoculars and especially the safari! My little girl especially loved to look for the animals.

Anonymous said...

Teddy really enjoyed the snakes. He was more shy than usual today but he was hyper around Kara and I. I think he was just a little homesick.

Sarah M

Anonymous said...

Today was really fun! I think that she really enjoyed looking for all of the animals!
- Ellie

Amanda said...

Today was really fun :) I noticed that Jude was trying to tell everyone to be quiet because they would scare the animals away and it was so cute. Also Louis got so excited when he would "see the animals first". He wanted everyone to know that he found the pink elephant and the snake before anyone else did. Also he would pretend that he couldn't see the animals until he put is binoculars up to his eyes and then he would see them. Yesterday was a really fun day!

-Amanda T.

Anonymous said...

I think the lesson went really well!!!! The kids seemed to have alot of fun!!! It's too bad that my kid missed it!!!

Sara d.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Today was a lot of fun! I think that the children loved it. However, I did notice that a few of the children weren't as excited as they normally are. The game was a lot of fun. Before we went outside to play the game, Jude was telling me that we all need to be quiet so that we don't scare the animals and monsters. Mary had a blast looking for the elephant and she felt special when she got to bring it back into the classroom for Mrs. Krone. But overall, I think today went very well.


Anonymous said...

The jungle was a fun lesson! Caylee had a good time on the search for all the animals. I think that the binoculars were a cute idea!


Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun. They loved using their binoculars to find the animals in the commons.

Sammi Jo