Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby Think It Over!

Soon it will be that time of the year when the Baby Think It Over Project will begin. You must submit two weekends that you would be willing to take care of this baby. I will accept your first choice if the weekend is available. We have two babies that will go out each weekend. The baby is not available until January 23. You must take off work to take care of this baby. If you are unable to take off work during that weekend, you can do an alternative project. Check you calendar and submit date choices via blog.


Anonymous said...

1. Jan 23-26
2. Jan 30-2

molly r.

Anonymous said...

1. 23-26
2. 30-2

Brittany A.

Elizabeth said...

I want the weekend of February 7th and 8th! Any weekend after that other than Valentines Day weekend would be alright too

Anonymous said...

I can do this project on any weekend!

Sammi Jo

Anonymous said...

January 23
January 30


Anonymous said...

i would like to have either the 30-33 or the 6-9

Anonymous said...

I can do it most any weekend but I will need to know in like 2 weeks in advance at least so i can request off work and I would like to do it as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

1. Jan 23
2. Feb 5 or any weekend after

Sara D