Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - snow and lesson planning info

The blog reporter today is Jessica. What a great time we had today. Who knew styrofoam balls could be so much fun!

Kara found a new web site for lesson planning.
www.edhelper.com Thanks Kara


Anonymous said...

I thought everything went perfect today group A was very organized. From across the room I could see how excited everyone was. They had a wonderful time with the shaving cream snow and got all their fingers as messy as they could. Everyone got to find two of snow balls and they all went in the hallway to have even more fun with them. Once they came back to the room and they all found out that they could take one home they were thrilled. Group A you did a great job all the kids had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

I think that today went really well the kids had a lot of fun today they really enjyed the book and the art project. Caylee really liked it alot, The also had fun getting to roll the snowballs in the hallway.

~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

The kids seemed like they had a great time today! The teaching group did a great job and the art projects turned out cute. The kids were also super excited about their snowballs!


Anonymous said...

Today our lesson was snow. I think today went very well and the kids really enjoyed the lesson alot. We first started off with Maureen doing the group discussion. She did very well. She made pictures of different types of snowflakes and used them to show the kids. She also asked the kids questions about what kinds of things they like to do in the snow and they all had answers to it. After the discussion Meghan read them a story called On Snow On Snow. The kids listened very well and were very good during the story. After that Amanda led us in a song about a snowman.It took until the second time until the kids got into the song. After the song Elizabeth had an art project for the kids. The project was to take glue and shaving cream and mix it together and then put some on blue paper and the kids would make a "winter scene". They really seemed to enjoy it and they had fun getting their hands dirty. After the art project Sami hid styrofoam balls for the kids and they went around the room and collected two. Then we went into the halls and the kids got to roll the balls around through the hall which went very well and kept them very entertained. I think all the teachers did a great job and the kids really had a great time.

Anonymous said...

I think that the day went very well. I loved the shaving cream craft that was so cute and the kids definitely enjoyed playing with it. It looked like the kids had a blast with the "snowballs" my friend even tried putting "snow" on me!


Anonymous said...

Today I noticed that Maya was having a blast with the art project. I think that she liked getting her hands messy in the shaving cream.


Anonymous said...

Today seemed like a lot of fun for the kids! They really seemed to enjoy the finger painting! I just wanted to comment on Janie and Katherine because they catch on to the songs so quickly! I think they know our opening and closing songs now too!
Good job today's group!

Sarah M.

Elizabeth said...

Not only styrofoam balls, who knew shaving cream could be so fun? I thought that the kids enjoyed learning about the snow today because it was something that they all knew what it was! I loved the art project and I think most of the kids enjoyed it! Caylee went crazy with it and i loved watching her! All of the kids had fun out in the hallways with the styroam snowballs and it was fun to watch!

Anonymous said...

Today went really well. The kids loved passing around the foam balls. They also seemed to enjoy the art project even though some didn't want to get thier hands messy. I think everything went smoothly!

Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to have a lot of fun and group A did a really good job! The shaving cream art was really cute and Beau couldn't wait to show me his.


Anonymous said...

I noticed that today went very well. The art project was very exciting to watch, I did however notice that Mary wouldn't touch the shaving creme and that was a surprize to me. Group A did a great job today and they were very organized, as usual.


Anonymous said...

I think today went really well!!! Group A did a great job. The art project was so cute, and even though I wasn't in the hallway watching them roll the balls, when they came back in, they seemed to have had alot of fun!!!!!

Sara D

Anonymous said...

Looked like the kids had a lot of fun, I would have loved getting to do an art project like that when I was a little kid! The "snow" looked great when it was done with all the sparkles. Good job group A!