Thursday, December 4, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - penguins

Amy Carlson is our blog reporter today!
Today's teaching group will report how well they performed today. The other groups will either be reporting on their individual child or doing a "running record" observation. Don't forget to complete your food intake diary. Hand in tomorrow morning. I think I heard St. Nicholas will be leaving a treat for class tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I think the teachers did an excellent job today. They seemed really organized and they did a good job of keeping the kid's attention. Beau was a lot calmer when he came into school today; he had to sit in time-out but when we were leaving he seemed really upset about it, so hopefully he learned his lesson. The penguin craft turned out really cute. Good hob group C!


Anonymous said...

I think today went well. they were all interested in the stuffed animal penguin.I think all of the kids liked making there penguin pictures out of hearts. The kids all enjoyed waddling with there eggs ( beanbags). i noticed the kids smiling on the way out the door because they all got there own beanbag.
Lindsey Ripp

Anonymous said...

I think the lesson plan went well today. The kids were enthusiastic and well attentive. The heart penguins turned out to be very cute! The game seemed to be difficult but the kids appeared to be having fun anyways!

Sadie said...

LJ seemed to be very interested in learning about penguins. He especially seemed interested in the game where they put the bean bag on their feet and carried them like penguin eggs. He was so excited when he saw his dad, that he told him all about penguins and how he got to take an orange bean bag home, and how orange was his favorite color.
Alissa A.

Anonymous said...

Running Record:
Today in class i observed that Maya listens very well when the leaders are talking for circle disscussion and reading the book is sat quietly and sometimes she will shout out something is it interrested her. During the art project she enjoys doing them she listens when she is givin instruction but dos her own thing with the project itself. She almost always participates during the game ahe tends to fall alot and she did that today too! She really had fun today!
~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

I thought today went really well. Everyone listened very well except they were very excited so they kept getting as close to who ever was in the chair at the time. The art project was so much fun jude kept asking me where his penguin's eyes were and as soon as he got them he goes can I please take this home. The game was very fun everyone really got into it and tried their very hardest but Louis and a few others had a little trouble but at the very end when they got to pick out their very own egg to take home they all had smiles on their faces.

Anonymous said...

I think today went very well and the teachers did a great job at teaching the kids about penguins. Jude had alot of fun today. When we first went out to get him he was a little shy and said he didn't feel very good but once he got in the classroom he forgot about that and started having fun. During the group discussion he sat and listened very quietly and payed very good attention to the teacher and he would answer questions when the teacher would ask. During the story he sat right up in front so he could hear the story. During the story he sat and listened very well. He was very into the story and was at one point almost sitting in Elle's lap because he was so excited. During the art project he seemed to do very well and didn't need much help at all. When Mrs.krone asked him about his picture he knew the colors of its belly and wings and how many feet it had. At the end when i asked him how the day went he said he had alot of fun and learned about the penguins. He also seemed to have enjoyed getting the black bean bag to take home.


Anonymous said...

I think that the kids had a lot of fun today. It looked like they enjoyed the penguin game. I thought the art projects turned out very cute too.

Katie Runkle

Anonymous said...

I thought today went great!!!! The kids had alot of fun learning about penguins!!!! I was in charge of the art project, and I think it went really well!!! Special thanks to Megan, Amy and Ashley for helping me cut out the pieces for the penguin!!!!!!! I loved the different variations of the penguin art project, too. I think that Caylee had the most 'interesting' variation!!!! So cute. The kids seemed to have alot of fun with it. Some of them, including Olivia, Katie's and Ellie's kids didn't want to participate as much. Overall, the day went great!!!!

Sara D

Anonymous said...

Today's theme lesson was penguins. Lindsey started us off in the circle discussion. She shared lots of facts about penguins with the children. They were all very interested, especially when she asked them who would like to touch the stuffed penguin she brought in. Ellie read a penguin story and all the kids were pointing at the different animals in it. They enjoyed the book a lot! Next, Megan led us in "I'm a Little Penguin". They weren't able to sing along too well, but they were paying attention and wanted us to sing it again. The art project was of a penguin made out of hearts. Each child glued their heart-shaped body parts on their penguin. Caylee decided to glue her feet on her shoulders! At the end of class Gillian taught the kids that father penguins protect the eggs by keeping them on their feet. The children were given a bean bag to use as an egg and balanced it on their feet along with their shoulders, between their knees, and on their heads! Louis struggled with this, but finally got the hang of it. Walking out the door, they picked out an "egg" to take home. I think overall this lesson was fun!


Anonymous said...

I think todays lesson went pretty well! All the little leprechauns seemed really ansty today I thought. Especially with the game, I noticed that when a few of them couldn't keep the bean bag on their feet they got upset, but they still seemed to have fun with it. I also noticed that they all did very well at the art project and putting the right parts in the right spots on their penguins!

Anonymous said...

My child wasn't here today so i watched sarah. She was quiet and payed attention all day. It looked like she knew were to put all the pieces for the art project. I think the teachers did a very good job today!

Anonymous said...

Today the children seemed to be much more calm and relaxed. The teaching group did a job. I noticed that Mary knew that we were going to be talking about Penguin's before the class even started. Overall, today was a great day!


Anonymous said...

The kids seemed to have a lot of fun today learning about penguins. They weren't as wild today, which was good and they really seemed to enjoy the game.

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

Today we taught about penguins it was a really great teaching day. I think that all of the children enjoyed listening and learning about penguins. It seems like a lot of people noticed that some of the children were getting really involved in the story today. Jude was almost in my lap! I'm glad they enjoyed "Penguin Pete and Penguin Pat" it was a really cute book. I had to cut out a little bit of the story though, it was a little long. The art project was very cute and I think the children enjoyed making their very own penguin! My little friend was doing very well following directions and listening. When we started to play the game though Katie's little friend seemed to get frustrated. Katie's friend sat out, I think that he really wanted to get the game done and do it right and got frustrated when it kept falling off of his feet! My little friend wanted to make sure he was okay and sat out with him. They are always looking out for one another! All in all I think that we had another fun day!

- Ellie :)

Elizabeth said...

I think the kids really enjoyed today lesson! Caylee definatly always likes to play with the airplane and people when she gets in the classroom. Today she was very attentive during the circle discussion and story. She listened to directions for the art project but some how the feet ended up on the shoulders but it was cute! She seemed to enjoy the game also even though other kids were getting frustrated!

Anonymous said...

I thought this lesson went really well and I love that picture of Janie, she's so cute and she really seems to enjoy everything we do in class. The game was so fun to watch! I thought group C did really well!