Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Leprechaun Academy - Jesus' birthday

Colleen will be the blog reporter today. What a fantastic way to end the semester. This group was very organized and they send the children home with the "real" meaning of Christmas. What a creative idea to take the children on a Jesus Journey, complete with kings, gold pieces and baby Jesus. Each students will blog today by writing three words that describe their child. Be creative. I am having trouble getting the pictures to download...I will keep trying.


Anonymous said...

Today went very well overall. For the art project we made sheep masks with cotton balls. The children enjoyed the "Journey to Jesus" game. They were very attentive today. The children knew a lot about Jesus' birthday. Also, when we sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus all of the children sang along and knew all of the words. Like Mrs. Krone said, today was a great way to end the semester. The children and all of the "teachers" had a great time today.


*Merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

Three words to describe Maya


Anonymous said...

I thought today went very well everyone loved their sheeps face and going around looking for all of the presents to give to baby Jesus. Group B did a great job you guys were very organized. I would describe Janie as fun, creative, and polite:)

Elizabeth said...

Todays group did a great job of teaching the kids the real meaning of Christmas! All of the kids seemed to really enjoy the "journey" to find Jesus. If i could choose 3 words to describe Caylee, I would pick: quiet, a good listener, and happy!

Anonymous said...

I think today went really really good! The kids had fun making the sheep masks and even more fun when we went on the "journey for jesus." I think that they learned more about the real meaning of christmas.


Sadie said...

I would describe LJ as energetic,enthusiastic, and hilarious.

Alissa A.

Anonymous said...

My child, Olivia, is shy, but she warms up after awhile. She is so cute!!!!
My three works describing her are:
shy, cute, and fun.
Sara D

Anonymous said...

The three main things that i noticed about my little leperchaun is that she is timid, creative, and smart!
She is timid when she first gets to school and while she is warming up to the atmosphere and other children, but once she gets used to it for the day, she opens up to me looks like she has a great time!
I have noticed that she is very creative, especially in her art work. Katherine always recognizes what the teachers are trying to show them to do and usually ends up with a pretty good finished product.
Also I have seen that Katherine is very smart. Every morning she is able to sing the opening and closing song without any trouble. I even noticed that she was able to do that on the second time she was at leperchaun academy which I think is very impressive because I think that must have been a challenge for her to memorize both songs so quickly. I know that I would have had trouble with that at her age!

Anonymous said...

Three words to describe Maya would be Happy, Fun, and Shy(Sometimes)
~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

Today went really well i thought group B did a great job! If i were to pick three words to describe Jude i would say smart, shy, and a good listener

Anonymous said...

I think today went very well and I was suprised how good the kids were. They all cooperated really well with the game and it was a lot of fun. Good Job Group =)

There are so many words that I could use to describe Beau so this is difficult, but I will pick...
hes a ham (smiles all the time and likes attention), playful, and curious.


Anonymous said...

Today's lesson was really fun! Caylee really enjoyed her sheep mask and had a good time on the Journey to Jesus. Three words to describe Caylee are calm, happy, and creative.


Anonymous said...

I was so mad i missed todat, but it sounds like it went very well!

Anonymous said...

I thought today was very fun! The kids seemed to really enjoy the lesson. I thought it was especially cute when "Katie's Leprechaun" was so interactive in Mr. Speck's room! Three words to describe Sarah would be: Sweet, Quiet, and Follows Directions!

Anonymous said...

Courtney and I had a lot of fun getting stuff for the "Journey to Jesus" game. And thanks to the whole group and good job guys! The kids had a lot of fun and it was a really great day!

Three words to describe Teddy:
Quiet, Adorable, and Smart.

Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

Words to describe Jude.


Anonymous said...

Today was so much. W had a hrd time thinking of a game that would work for this topic that the kids would really enjoy but I think we did well. I think Mr. Donnelley, Mr Speck, and Mr. Hahn had just as much fun pretending to be the three kings as the kids did on their journey. The reindeer antlers were so cute!

Teddy is:


Elizabeth said...

Caylee is quiet because she keeps to herself and she can have fun without being out of control.
She is a good listener because she always listens during the circle discussions and the stories and she seems interested in them. She also listens to the art project directions and follows them... minus the penguin feet =)
The final adjective that I would use to describe her would be happy because she always seems to be happy even if it isnt shown on the outside. At the beginning of Leprechaun Academy, I think she had a tough time getting adjusted but now she is used to it and seems happy to be at school. There is always a smile on face when she listens to the story or sometime during the art project!

Anonymous said...

I think Mary is cute, a good listener and a perfectionist! She is cute because she always comes in with a cute dress on and shes always smiling now! She is a good listener because whenever i watch her during the art project or game she is always listening very well so she knows how to do it. i also think she is somewhat of a perfectionist is because during the art project or the game she tries to do it the exact same way you should them.

-Sammi Jo