Sunday, September 7, 2008


Identify one thing about your family that you are proud of and one thing that you would like to change.
Answer must be posted before class on Wednesday.


Elizabeth said...

If i could choose anything that I love about my family, I would choose the fact that my parents would do anything for my brother and I if it was in our best interest.

If i could change one thing, i would choose that during sports seasons my family could be closer. I feel that everyone is soo busy that we are never all together!

Anonymous said...

I am proud of how supportive my family is and how strong we are.

I wish that we could be together more often and spend more time with each other.


Amanda said...

If I had to choose something I liked about my family I'd choose that i love that we're so close and we always have eachother's backs.

One thing I'd like to change is that everyone got along better and there weren't little cliques in our family.

-Amanda Tudor :)

Anonymous said...

One thing that I love about my family is that we're so close. I'm a very touchy-feely kind of person and I'm so glad that my family loves giving hugs and kisses!

Something that I would change about my family is we're starting to seem to be less and less together with my younger brother, my younger sister, and I all in different sports and my older sister away at college. I miss sitting around the table with a nice big dinner with my entire family.

-Sarah M.

Anonymous said...

Something that i love about my family is that we are all really close and can trust each other with anything.

Something that i would want to change is that we could all get together more often.

-Brittany A.

Anonymous said...

what i am proud about my family is how close everyone is.

one thing i wished i could chnage is i wish some of my family from california lived here with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

One thing that I would like to change about my family is our busy lives. We are always out and about and we try to spend time together as a family but sometimes our days just dont allow it.

One thing that I am proud of is how close I am with my extended family! My aints and Uncles are like brothers and sisters and we almost always talk to everyone at least once a day


Anonymous said...

One thing that I would like to change about my family is our busy lives. We are always out and about and we try to spend time together as a family but sometimes our days just dont allow it.

One thing that I am proud of is how close I am with my extended family! My aints and Uncles are like brothers and sisters and we almost always talk to everyone at least once a day
