Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chapter 2: Family Traditions

Family traditions are what makes your families unique. Think about the traditions that are a part of your family. Talk with other family members to refresh your memory. Sometimes our traditions are so familiar to us that they don't even seem like traditions. Please tell me about 3 traditions that you have in your family. This is due by Wednesday.

My family traditions:
When my son was young he noticed that we celebrated Mother's Day and Father's Day so he asked when Brother's Day was. I quickly responded that Brother's Day is on the second Sunday in July and Sister's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in August. We continue to celebrate these days and it is like a birthday.

All of the girls on my mom's side of the family inter-twine a rosary in their wedding bouquet.

Santa brings each of the children in our family 3 gifts on Christmas because that represents the same number of gifts that Jesus received on his birthday.


Anonymous said...

my moms name is mary colleen and my grandmas name is mary arletta and my name is mary katherine and we all go by our middle names.


Anonymous said...

One of my family traditions is the same as yours. We each get three presents from Santa rep. the three gifts Jesus recieved. Another is on Christmas, my moms mom and dad and sister come to our house and we open one gift on Christmas Eve, usually it is handmade (by my mom) pjs. Our last one is my aunt, uncle and cousins all meet at the beach every summer. My Grandparents come for a few days and so do my other aunt and uncle. We rent a huge beach house with a pool and an elevator.

sara dvorsky

Anonymous said...

my family traditions are on Christmass eva we celebrate Christmass on my Dad side of the family we rotate each year someone else haas Christmass.

Christmass day is spent with my mom side of the family.we all go down to my grandmas hose.

we spend thanksgiving on my dad side of the family. we all go to my grandma and grandpas house.

on new years eave we all go to my grandparents log cabine and watch the ball drop together


Anonymous said...

3 of my family traditions:

1. Who ever is having a birthday will get a calls from pretty much everyone on my mom's side of the family in the morning before school and have "Happy Birthday" sang to them by the family.

2. Christmas at my grandparents: The older kids pass out the gifts and when we open them we start youngest tol oldest, including the adults. It takes a while...

3. When there are get-togethers its tradition for Lynn (my cousin) to bring Corn-a-la-Lynn (my favorite!)

Sarah M

Elizabeth said...

1) There are a lot of cousins on my moms side of the family so every christmas we pick names out of a hat and thats how we choose who to get a gift for instead of getting everyone a present.

2)St. Patricks day is always a day that my family spends together. no matter what we are doing, we are always together

3)Christmas on my dads side of the family is a time of togetherness. We always have a huge party where everyone in the family flies from all over the United States so we can be together.

Anonymous said...

I have many family traditions but here are a few..
Every Easter my parents hide our baskets and me and my brother have to find them and we always dye easter eggs no matter how old we are.
On christmas we always open presents here then go to my grandmas for breakfast then go to my aunts house.
For the 4th of July we always go to my aunts house for a big cookout and swimming and fishing then my dad and uncles shoot of fireworks.

Anonymous said...

I have many family traditions in my life :)

One family tradition that I have is that on Christmas Eve we play a game called the "pickle game"
it's a german tradition that has been involved in my family for generations. It's where you a hide a pickle ornament inside the christmas tree. Who ever finds the pickle first gets to open one of their presents first.

Another family tradition that we have is getting the entire family together for 12:00 mass at St. Vincent de Paul Church before our annual easter egg hunt on Easter.

Another family tradition that we as a family have is on one of the children's birthday's the child gets to chose the place where him or her wants to eat at.

Those are my family traditions :)

Ellie Auer

Anonymous said...

Every 4th of July me and my family always go to the parade in west peoria.

Another tradition of ours is for every christmas we do secret santa and everyone gets to pick someones name and get them a present.

Another tradition that we started was that every easter my parents hide eggs for me and my brothers to find

Anonymous said...

my other family traditions are:

going to my gramma and grandpas house on christmas eve to open our presents from them and opening the presents from my parents at 5:00 on christmas eve.

before school every year my brothers and i go out to lunch with my grandma at VOPS.. now it will have to change to another restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Cicciarelli Family traditions

At weddings in my mom's side of the family the groom is given a bull ring and the bride the key to the bull ring to jokingly symbolize who has control, why we do this tradition i don't know, but it's kinds a fun thing that makes everyone laugh.

On Thanksgiving in my dad's side of the family we all hold hands before we eat(and my immmeduate family on that side is over 50 people, so were in seperate rooms). In the center of the circle we put a picture of my deceased grandpa then we tell him everything that happened in that year and say a prayer together for him.

On Thanksgiving with my moms side of the family after were done eating and everything is cleaned uo we all(grandparents, aunts, uncles, grandkids...) go down stairs and start of the Christmas season by watching Christmas Vacation.

Kara C.

Anonymous said...

1- Going to my aunt and uncles house every Chirstmas Eve and my cousin and i would pass out gifts.
2- go to the 3rd of july at the ampitheatre together
3- Coming to my house on thanksgiving!

~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

my traditions:

every year on my moms side of the family there is a reunoin dinner in chester, IL so instead of just going down for sunday we go down w/ other cousins and all camp out for the weekend

within my immediate family we go down to shelbyville boating a couple weekends every summer and we have a tradition of stopping at a certain steak n shake in decatur on our way home

another tradition is that for christmas we will go to midnight mass at our parish and then come home and open presents then have pie and ice cream. then we will go to bed at like 4 a.m. and have to get up in time to make a plate for christmas dinner at 12 with the rest of our family

Amanda said...

my family traditions are 1) saying the rosary every night 2)everyone in my family gets a "birth week" where we celebrate everyones birthdays for a whole week and 3) we always get to open one present on christmas eve.

-amanda tudor :)

Anonymous said...

My family traditions:
1. We always go to a movie on Thanksgiving after we visit both sides of my family.

2. My grandma sends us $2 bills every Valentine's Day.

3. On Christmas Eve my family goes to Mass and then out to eat.


Anonymous said...

On Christmas Eve we spend time with my dads side of the family.

On Christmas day we spend the day with my moms side of the family.

We spend Thanksgiving at my grandmas house every year.

Brittany A.

Anonymous said...

Every memorial day weekend my dads side of the family gets together, hes one of ten, and we have a rib cook off. Everyone and anyone can cook ribs but they have to start at 6a.m. at my uncles house or they wont be very good. All my uncles and some of my other cousins all do it, mainly the boys. Around 5 p.m. my Aunt Mary anounces that the judges are ready, we go all out we get an actual judge and some priests every year to attend, and everyone sends in 3 ribs. At about 5:30 she then anounces the 3 finalists and then they give the judges 3 more of there ribs. At the very end we anounce a winner and we have a special crown thats made out of rib bones and they wear it the rest the night.
Hopefully it will work this time,

Anonymous said...

The night before the first day of school my mom would always and still does read the book called The Kissing Hand.

The day after thanksgiving my sisters and my mom and I all go out shopping really early in the morning to start our Christmas shopping.

All of the women on both sides of my family have an Irish hankey on their wedding day. The hankeys are all from Ireland too, my grandpa on my dad's side has bought all of the granddaughters a hankey in his many trips to Ireland.

Anonymous said...

Christmas eve we always go to mass and have pizza and chilli and we take turns opening gifts from one another.

On your birthday we get to choose where you want to eat.

Every holiday and birthday my grandma and uncle come over and hang out.