Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chapter 1: Favorite Play Activity

Write down a play activity that you enjoyed when you were younger. Tell me how this play benefits children in at least two of the five area of child development. Due by Wednesday via comment.

My answer:

Play Activity: jumping in a pile of leaves

Benefits: Physically - helps build gross motor skills
Socially - the neighborhood kids and I had to work together to make the pile


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Krone its Gillian.
My answer:
Play Activity: Tag!
Physically ~ Gives them great exercise.
Socially ~ Helps the child interact with friends and others they have yet to meet.

Anonymous said...

Child Activity: playing house with my brothers and sisters

Benefits: Mentally: enhances imagination and creativity
Socially: my brother, sisters, and I had to work together and agree on who would play what parts and what our "house" would like.
-Kara C

Anonymous said...

Child Activity: playing house with my brothers and sisters

Benefits: Mentally: enhances imagination and creativity
Socially: my brother, sisters, and I had to work together and agree on who would play what parts and what our "house" would like.
-Kara C

Unknown said...

my favorite activity was playing football in the yard w/ my neighbors, i was kind of a tom boy when i was little so i was usually playing games with the boys

this activity can help a child develop socially as well as give them great exercise so they are not lazy!

Anonymous said...

my favorite activity when i was little was playing football in the yard. i grew up w/ all boy neighbors so i was one of the boys too!

this activity can help a child develop socially as well as getting a lot of exercise keeping up with the boys!

Anonymous said...

my favorite play activity was playing school with my neighbor.

some benefits were helping me interact with a friend and it also helps creativity and could actually make you smarter.


Anonymous said...

My favorite childhood activity was playing school with my older sister and two older cousins.

This helps a child mentally and socially by helping them use their minds and interacting with kids.

Sarah M.

Amanda said...

child activity: playing with other kids your own age.

socially-helps build relationships with kids your own age
mentally-helps you develop the correct mind set for your age and if your only with older kids you mature too fast so you need to be with kids your own age.

-amanda tudor :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite activity to do when i was younger was play house and play games with the kids in my neighborhood like cops and robbers and ghost in the graveyard

Anonymous said...

Activity: playing school with my cousins
Benefits: Mentally- I had to teach something that I knew how to do, Socially- I had to interact with my cousins in a way that they would understand

Anonymous said...

My favorite play activity was playing school or house with my brother or any other games we would come up with.
Some benefits are that it helped me and my brother grow closer and helped with my imagination and creativity.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Krone its Lindsey.
My answer:
Play Activity: Tag!
Physically- Gives them a lot of great exercise
Socially- helps the child communicate with people and make friends.
- Lindsey

Anonymous said...

Child Activity: Riding bikes to a neighborhood park with my sister!

Physically: riding bikes outside gave us lots of exercise

Socially: we met new kids that lived near our house we could play with


Anonymous said...

My Answer: Jump rope
Physically- Exercise
Socially- Gets them to interact with other kids from the neighborhood.
~Meghan P.

Anonymous said...

I liked to play resturant. I enjoyed playing with the fake food.

Socially- had to interact with other kids who were the customer
Mentally- enhanced imagination, and math skills when I counted out money from my cash register.

Alissa A.

Elizabeth said...

My facorite Activity as a child was playing house and school with my brother and my friends.
This helped me be more creative and it also helped my brother and i have a better relationship by playing together

Anonymous said...

Play activity: Basketball

Physically- Keeps you in shape and be coordinated.
Socially- you have to be a team player and be nice to people.

Sammi Jo Rogy