Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Setting Limits

Consider one of the following situations involving a four-year old child. Submit the following:
1. What limits should be set?
2. How should the child be told of these limits?

Situation A: Colleen will be attending his friend's birthday party at the zoo.
Situation B: Sarah is going to a public pool with her older sister.
Situation C: Alissa is going to fingerpaint at the kitchen table.
Situation D: Kara is going with a friend and the friend's babysitter to play in the park.

Submit your answer by end a day on friday.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Queen of the Week and new lesson plans site

Can you guess who our new queen is? Students who submit answers before class on Monday can earn extra credit this week!!
Colleen has submitted a new website for use in creating your lesson plans. Check it out http//www.perfectlypreschool.com/Preschool-Lesson-Plans/index.php

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lesson plan resources

Here are some additional sites to use when planning your lessons for Leprechaun Academy.
www.funlessonplans.com, www.atozteacherstuff.com, first-school.ws/sitemap.htm.
Just a reminder that if you find a good resource you may submit it to me for extra credit.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Themes for Leprechaun Academy

Think about the types of topics/themes that children are interested in.
Submit four themes via comment by Thursday. Please check out the posted comments so you do not submit the same themes.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Queen of the Week

Who is the first queen of the week? Make your guess via comment using only the first name of the student.
What exactly is queen of the week?
*The queen gets to sit in the royal rocking
*The queen does not have to take notes (she can
request that the teacher print the notes out).
*The queen gets a coupon for "Matarelli Cookies".
*The queen will present their "What makes me
a family" slideshow.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What makes me a family!

The past several days we have been working on our iphoto assignment. I am so impressed that so many of you were prepared and ready to get started on your project Monday. Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Adoption Assignment and Family Assignment

Please make sure to go to www.adoptionnetwork.com to complete your homework assignment. This assignment is due Friday.

Make sure that you are scanning your photos and saving those photos on a jump drive. We will start to use them on Monday.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Identify one thing about your family that you are proud of and one thing that you would like to change.
Answer must be posted before class on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Thanks for all of your comments. I enjoyed reading the traditions and will share them in class tomorrow. Remember to leave your name so you can get credit. And please check your spelling before sending your comments as these are viewed by other class members.

"If you could" question this week is: Be principal for a day, what would you change? I have had some very creative and original answers so far.